How to Create a Yahoo Mail Account – Yahoo Mail dennis, November 2, 2021November 2, 2021 Yahoo mail is an e-mail service from the company ‘yahoo’. The creation and launch of this feature is a part of Yahoo’s plan to offer and deliver quality services to consumers. In not less than five years, Yahoo mail has grown from one million users to tens of millions of users, in other words, a lot of people and users have made email part of their everyday lives. Through this email service feature, Yahoo leads by offering its consumers the most powerful email solution. The yahoo mail mobile app can be downloaded from the Google Play store for Android devices and from the Appstore for IOS device users. While reading this article, you might want to ask “what is the use of this yahoo mail”? Well, this service allows and enables its users to preview messages. The basic use of this feature includes; sending and receiving messages or emails, you can also save, store and delete email messages. Definitely, you cannot be able to use this service if you do not have a yahoo mail account. Yahoo Mail – How to Create a Yahoo Mail Account After the brief explanations above of what yahoo mail is, I will be writing on how to create a new yahoo mail account. To sign up, you can go to the yahoo mail login page. Go to (you have to make sure your internet connection is enabled on your smartphone). On this page, you will find the ‘create a new account button. Click that button and you will see a simple yahoo registration page, fill in the basic information you see on that page. These pieces of information include: Your name, gender, birthday, country, language and postal code. A world without the use of e-mail is so hard to imagine. Honestly, millions of us from all over the world have faced and used this yahoo feature and other web-based email services for fast and easy communication. Check and access this yahoo feature today and see what it offers. You will see a lot more than just sending and receiving email messages. Some of these other features and tools you could find on the yahoo mail account are: Virus checking. This service provides unlimited message storing and saving. It also provides the email search feature. Contact lists and, It helps block spam messages. Yahoo Mail – How To Search For Mails in Yahoo Do you know that the new version of yahoo mail allows and enables its users to choose their preferred choice on how to communicate? Either by chat, email or text message. It is thrilling right? Yes, it is! Using this feature does not work for messaging, email, chat, text messaging alone. It also has a search function, you will definitely want to search for some pieces of information like a document, an address or even a name you might need. Here’s how to do that; Find the search space which is on the upper left side of your screen. This search space usually takes the shape of a magnifying glass. Type in the information you want to find- A name, an address, a document or a subject. Click on Go or Enter. A new page will come up containing all the information you searched for. Click on the content or message you want to open. so dear users, the introduction of these features of yahoo mail will certainly take you far beyond just e-mail! Reset